The SUKAD Name
SUKAD: What is in a Name
Our clients often ask us, what does SUKAD mean? Here is our answer:
SUKAD is Success through Uniqueness, Knowledge, Attitude, and Development!
The individual success of your critical assets – your people – will support and lead to the overall organizational success!
Your organizational success leads to SUKAD earning your trust and hence our success!
Individuals and organizations are unique, requiring understanding, attention, special focus, and customized solutions – not copy paste imports!
SUKAD aims to be unique in the services that we can provide our business partners. Through our innovative programs, pioneering spirit, research and development leadership, and a global network of thought leaders clearly differentiate us from the rest!
We believe that knowledge sharing across organizational lines (SUKAD with clients) is a key for a lasting and customer-centric relationship; we are available for you before, during, and after a business engagement!
Knowledge sharing internally within our organization is crucial to our growth; we operate as a team with a continual learning spirit and responsibility to growing a knowledge economy!
Attitude is everything! Our clients' winning attitude is what drives them to establish the necessary organizational systems and offer growth opportunities for their people!
Our attitude reflects who we are; who we are is what drives us to provide you with our best service! Our Motto is “Good is not Good Enough at SUKAD – Excellence is our Standard”!
Professional development of your critical assets – people – is the key to their professional growth, career success, leadership, and motivation to excel!
Professional development of our people is how we can continue to offer a unique service. It is how we can maintain a winning attitude. It is how we close the SUKAD loop of success!
SUKAD is about helping clients develop skills to increase knowledge. We do this by offering unique programs combined with your winning attitude; then success is a matter of time.